
Holistic Practice
Dr. Roland G. Heber

Dedicated to practice integrative Medicine
with Heart and Soul


Appointments by individual arrangement only! Appointments may be scheduled via telephone, SMS or email.

Mobile: +43-664-2319629
E-mail: [email protected]

During a consultation I am unable to take your call; therefore, please leave a voicemail message or send SMS. I will contact you asap.

My services

Holistic diagnostics and therapy

Based upon the integration of modern health sciences with traditional healing modalities I offer in my medical practice the following services


Comprehensive holistic assessment of the person through detailed inquiry of the medical history and thorough hands-on physical examination form the foundation for my individually tailored therapy for each client.

Functional medicine

Holistic Detox-Program with corresponding individual out-patient health cure guidance and substitution of essential nutrients, is applied to cleanse and detoxify the organism and its metabolism.

Energy medicine

Bioenergetic Intervention – direct relief of congested tissue through Holistic Cupping Therapy (HCT) – is my most significant treatment in the field of energy medicine. When necessary it is supplemented by acupuncture or Daoist healing exercises, especially to maintain the self-regulation ability of the organism.

Spiritual medicine

Spiritual-Emotional-Processing (SEP) constitutes in my work the spiritual access to the “Human Consciousness”. Access via the heart by way of inherent gentle powers, which we experience as Divine Light and Unconditional Love.

Further information

Under resources you will find additional material for self-study about my main therapeutic methods. As part of my med-i-xin institute I offer a newsletter as well as a complementary teaching program, which allows you to actively participate in your healing process. These will be recommended based upon your individual needs and preferences. Besides medical lectures and meditations it comprises a Basic SEP-Seminar.

Dr. Roland G. Heber

Doctor's degree in Medicine

Master in Chinese Medicine
Energy Medicine
Spiritual Medicine

Getting there

How to find us

Scheibeweg 236
A-6072 Lans

Unless otherwise stated, all of our therapies take place in our med-i-xin institute.
The institute is located in a residential complex.
The entrance is on the right.

Opening hours

Appointments required.
Please contact us by phone or email

Information regarding arrival

Here you will find detailed information on how to reach us by car, plane, train, ...

Let us
keep in touch

Periodically receive the med-i-xin Newsletter with information on events and seminars, as well as exercises, meditations and resources for self-help.

© 2025 med-i-xin // Dr. Roland Heber